New Institutionalism
20th Workshop Salzburg 2025

This website provides a platform for scholars interested in new institutionalism - one of the leading theories in organization studies worldwide.

On this platform you can find out more about current developments, both in terms of theory and empirical research, details of workshops and conferences, recent publications, literature etc. It also enables you to become more closely networked with scholars to promote the exchange of ideas and research cooperation.

If you are interested in becoming part of the network and contributing to it, all you need to do is to become a member. You will then be able to find out more about „people“ - who is involved, "meetings" and relevant literature.

If you would like to become a member, then simply register. Within a short time, you will receive your own account for the members area.


Call for Papers: 18th Workshop on New Institutionalism (NIW) (8/24/22)
Nicolaus Copernicus University – Toruń, March 30-31, 2023 more...
Tenure-Track Position in MATAR (Technology, Society, and Networks) (8/18/22)
A joint appointment in the School of Computer Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem more...
The 18th Scancor PhD Workshop on Institutional Analysis (3/7/22)
A unique learning opportunity in Helsinki! Apply for a one-week intense PhD workshop on institutional analysis. In public morning lectures international faculty presents and discusses research within the field of institutional theory. Afternoon workshop sessions with international faculty are limited to PhD students who successfully apply to the workshop. more...
17th Workshop Madrid 2022 (1/26/22)
A quick update regarding our workshop in Madrid. We’ve been following the Covid developments over the past weeks and are now more confident to confirm that our workshop will be held onsite in a face-to-face format. The workshop will follow Covid protocols, including mandatory use of masks and social distancing.
Call for Papers on a Special Issue in Organization Studies (11/29/21)
Enhancing Organizations Research Involving Meaning and Culture Using Computational Text and Image Analyses

Guest Editors:
Jan Goldenstein, Dennis Jancsary, Stine Grodal, Bernard Forgues, P. Devereaux Jennings

Submission deadline:
June 1st, 2022 more...
Job offen: Research Assistant (m/f/d), EG 13 TV-H, University of Kassel (10/31/21)
The International Center for Higher Education Research (INCHER), University of Kassel, Germany, is looking for a senior researcher (full-time) with research interests and expertise in the area of ‘higher education governance and organization’. The position (max. 3 plus 3 years) should lead to a Habilitation under the supervision of Georg Krücken. The applications can be submitted in English or in German. more...
17th New Institutionalism Workshop - March 24-25, 2022 in Madrid (9/15/21)
The 17th NIW will take place on March 24-25, 2022 in Madrid.
Please visit the website at: for more information.

Important Dates and Information

Submission of short papers: October 1 to November 15, 2021 (between 800 and 3,000 words) via
Decision on acceptance by: December 20, 2021
Online registration starts 7.1.2022

Local Organizer
Bernadette Bullinger & Stefanie Beninger
IE Business School more...
Stellenausschreibung (7/23/21)
Zwei Mitarbeiter*innenstellen an der Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg im Fachbereich Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Bereich Strategisches Management und Organisation more...
Stelle als Wissenschaftliche/r Assistentin / Assistent (50%) (4/9/21)
Am Soziologischen Seminar der Kultur- und
Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät (KSF) der Universität Luzern ist per 1. September 2021 oder nach Vereinbarung und für 5 Jahre mit Verlängerungsoption eine Stelle als Wissenschaftliche/r Assistentin / Assistent (50%) zu besetzen. more...
Wissenschaftliche/r Oberassistentin / Oberassistent (60%) (4/9/21)
Am Soziologischen Seminar der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät (KSF) der Universität Luzern ist per 1. September 2021 oder nach Vereinbarung und für 5 Jahre mit Verlängerungsoption eine Stelle als Wissenschaftliche/r Oberassistentin / Oberassistent (60%)
zu besetzen. more...
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