New Institutionalism - 19th Workshop Jena 2024
8th Workshop Barcelona 2012

56 presentations in
8 sessions on March 15
and March 16, 2012 
ESADE Barcelona
Please register here
4 hotels with
discount room rates

March 16

09:00-09:30 Coffee


09:30-11:30 Session 5

Discourse & Institutions
Chair: Ignasi Marti

Dirty oil, ethical oil, snake oil: The social semiotics of Alberta’s oil sands
Lianne Lefsrud, Heather Graves, and Nelson Phillips

 Constituting power relations through categorization and labeling in an Austrian municipal body of administration
Dennis Jancsary, Markus A. Höllerer, Renate E. Meyer, & Vitaliano Barberio

Measuring missions: The distribution of discourse on evaluation for the nonprofit sector
Karina Kloos, Achim Oberg, Carrie Oelberger, & Woody Powell

Coexistence and discursive connectedness of management concepts in different social spheres
Florian Scheiber, Dominika Wruk, & Achim Oberg

Institutional Work
Chair: Markus Perkmann

Re-framing and re-organization efforts through web-based coalitions in the US Environmental Movement
Itziar Castello & David Barbera

Towards an institutional perspective on creative brokerage: Interstitial brokers and dynamics of institutional change
Santi Furnari

Institutional work in a differentiated world polity: The advent of educational research in Germany
Enno Aljets, Eric Lettkemann and Frank Meier

Decoupling and recouping in bureaucratic organizations: How institutional demands influence performance appraisal systems
Julia Brandl & Arjan Kozica


11:30-12:30 Session 6

Chair: Jesper Strandgaard

How do ideas constitute markets? Social actors and constructions of market categories
Tim Lehmann

Institutionalization as community creation: The case of the 1855 Wine Classification
Grégoire Croidieu and Walter W. Powell

Cross Sector Logics
Chair: Davide Nicolini

The challenges of cross-sectoral knowledge transfers between private sector consultants and public universities: New Institutionalism meets Sociological Systems Theory
Georg Krücken & Kathia Serrano-Velarde

Capturing the evolution of a pool of institutional logics: A hierarchical classification analysis of the field of workplace safety in the French construction industry
Thibault Daudigeos, Amélie Boutinot & Stéphane Jaumier


12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Session 7

Chair: Francois Collet

Institutional endurance, rhythm and desire
Elke Weik

Why do organizations follow practices that neither do good nor look good? A study of competitive intelligence
Patrick Reinmoeller & Shaz Ansari

Maintaining an institution: The institutional work of Michelin in haute cuisine around the world
Isabelle Bouty, Marie-Léandre Gomez and Carole Drucker Godard

Theory development I
Chair: Gerardo Patriotta

The emergence of institutional theory
Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist

Temporalization in organization theory and research
Julia Fleischer

A call for imagination in neo-institutional studies
Pablo D. Fernández & Tao Wang


15:30-16:30 Session 8

Governance of Networks
Chair: Achim Oberg

The evolution of the governance of regulatory networks: The case of the European telecommunications regulatory network
Angel Saz

Networks never walk alone: The governance of network portfolios
Tamyko Ysa and Marc Esteve

Theory Development II
Chair: Woody Powell

Are we supposed to become proud functionalists?
Frank Meier

The bounds of New Institutionalism: The role of institutionalized constraints on methods, data, and theory
Alex Bitektine & Danny Miller


16:30-17:30 Concluding Panel

March 15
-  09:00-10:00 Registration and Coffee
-  10:00-11:30 Session 1
-  11:30-13:00 Session 2
-  13:00-14:30 Lunch
-  14:30-16:00 Session 3
-  16:00-17:30 Session 4
-  17:30-18:00 Coffee
-  19:00-19:30 Keynote by Walter W. Powell
-  21:00-??:?? Dinner
March 16
-  09:00-09:30 Coffee
-  09:30-11:30 Session 5
-  11:30-12:30 Session 6
-  12:30-14:00 Lunch
-  14:00-15:30 Session 7
-  15:30-16:30 Session 8
-  16:30-17:30 Concluding Panel